Lirik dan Terjemah Lagu Grateful | Muad ft Siedd

Lirik dan Terjemah Lagu Grateful | Muad ft Siedd

Video Muad ft Siedd - Grateful (Vocals Only)

Lirik Lagu Grateful | Muad ft Siedd


Waking up today was no accident,
You gave me health and happiness,
Alhamdulillah for this precious gift,
Live today not tomorrow,

Bangun hari ini bukanlah kebetulan,
Engkau memberiku kesehatan dan kebahagiaan,
Alhamdulillah untuk hadiah berharga ini,
Hidup hari ini bukan besok,

Ya Allah, I thank you every time,
I can see it clearly through these eyes, 
SubhanAllah these are simple signs,
Know that my time is borrowed,

Ya Allah, ku ucapkan terima kasih setiap saat,
Aku bisa melihatnya dengan jelas melalui mata ini, 
SubhanAllah ini adalah tanda-tanda sederhana,
aku tahu bahwa aku meminjam waktu,

From my eyesight down to the touch,
I cannot even thank you enough,
Promise you I’m not giving up,
Jannah is what awaits me,

Dari penglihatakku hingga saat disentuh,
aku bahkan tidak bisa cukup berterima kasih,
Aku berjanji padaMu aku tidak menyerah,
Jannah adalah apa yang menanti saya,

Life has been more than good to me,
Even the pain has taught me to see,
Appreciate even the air you breathe,
Ya Allah you made me,

Hidup telah lebih dari baik bagiku,
Bahkan rasa sakit telah mengajariku untuk melihat,
menghargai bahkan udara yang kau hirup,
Ya Allah Kau menciptakanku,


I’m grateful,
For every single thing you’ve given me,

Aku bersyukur,
Untuk setiap hal yang telah Kau berikan kepadaku,

I’m grateful,
I don’t need to worry about a thing,

Aku bersyukur,
AKu tidak perlu khawatir tentang apa pun,

And if I forget to thank you Lord,
Just give me a sign I can’t ignore,

Dan jika aku lupa berterima kasih kepadaMu Tuhan,
Beri akutanda yang tidak bisa saya abaikan,

I’m grateful,
And I am so grateful,

aku bersyukur,
Dan aku sangat bersyukur,


What you have leads to a single word,
Felt with every single nerve,
No matter who you are, always put him first,
Let it flow like the river,

Nothing in this life is truly mine,
The beauty of my life that you designed,
And I will say it every single time,
Al-Shukr, Walhamdulillah,

From my eyesight down to the touch,
I cannot even thank you enough,
Promise you I’m not giving up,
Jannah is what awaits me,

Life has been more than good to me,
Even the pain has taught me to see,
Appreciate even the air you breathe,
Ya Allah you made me,


I’m grateful,
For every single thing you’ve given me,

I’m grateful,
I don’t need to worry about a thing,

And if I forget to thank you Lord,
Just give me a sign I can’t ignore,

I’m grateful,
And I am so grateful,

(Muad & Siedd)

I’m grateful,
For every single thing you’ve given me,

I’m grateful,
I don’t need to worry about a thing,

And if I forget to thank you Lord,
Just give me a sign I can’t ignore,

I’m grateful,
And I am so grateful

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